Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
The implications that Katy Perry edging out Taylor Swift as Forbes' highest-paid female artist of 2018 could be a delight to fans of the low-grade pop battle. The real intrigue lies within Forbes' top 10 in which a potential challenger might be located. Helene Fisher is at no. 8. She is just below Rihanna however, she is ahead of Celine along with Britney. Who? One thing is for sure the super-star of German-Russian descent who doesn't speak out to keep the appeal of being a normal woman. She has revealed in numerous interviews that she likes butter and her German lover, who is a television presenter, got her picture tattooed to his arm. Fischer 34 has a unique style, and is frequently defined as biographical. In the first, there is an oompah-like bierhalle bop which oomphs over matters relating to the boozebabes, and Bundesrepublik. Fischer embodies it: The reliable woman who's heart skips when her breath stops as she learns of the way her husband uses his feminine flaws to invoke protective instincts. The classic themes of Schlager were the perfect antidote for the western-influenced pop music that invaded Germany after the Second World War. This is due to its popularity among Baby Boomers as well as the wider public. Fischer hosts a Schlager Christmas Special each year, a cloying All-Star program that competes with the Channel 4's club X. Schlager shares the down-home spirit of country music, and Fischer has given it an dynamic synth-pop makeover like Fischer was German Taylor Swift. Swift's evolution into an international pop sensation has made her a household name, however it's hard to quantify the amount of less praise is given to Fischers really awful music.
Claudia Wells is an American actress who was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells was famous due to her character Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's girlfriend in the 1985 movie Back to the Future. Wells played a part in Stop the Madness, a music video against drugs sponsored by the Reagan Administration that featured prominent actors, musicians, and athletes. In the year following, she appeared on television in the show Babies Having Babies. The series Fast Times was a TV adaptation of Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia was an actress who's career was on a steady upwards trajectory towards success as an actor for a while and then took a brief break when she learned that her mother was suffering from cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia has over fifty credits for film TV and the theater. Her true career is yet to come when she hopes to take on difficult, challenging and gritty role. Claudia Wells runs her own luxury clothing store for males, Armani Wells. Visit her site to find out more.

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